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The third Chu Teh-Chun prize at the International School of Geneva (Ecolint)

May 2024

Awarded for the first time in June 2022, the CHU Teh-Chun Prize is given to the most talented and committed students in Year 11. The competition is organized by the Art & Design Department at La Grande Boissière, in partnership with the CHU Teh-Chun Foundation and the Center des arts,  and offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of this artist and pursue a personal evolution under his influence.

The award's goal is to encourage the winners to continue their artistic explorations and will be presented by a jury made up of the following people:

Fondation CHU Teh-Chun 
Vice-president: Mr. Yvon CHU
Directror General: Ms. Anne-Valérie SCEAU

Director General: Dr Conrad Hughes
Head of Art & Design Department: Mr. Gilles Grassioulet
Centre des arts Director: Ms. Isabelle Muller
Award Coordinator: Mr. Hubert Schneebeli

Guest Artist
Dr Momar Seck

CHU Teh-Chun's career and work are exemplified by values that inspire new generations. The artist has always had the will to build bridges and demonstrate the richness of multiculturalism. He has given himself the means to achieve his dreams and goals through perseverance and determination. He knew how to free himself from pre-established models to find his own way despite the obstacles. His work, which invites us to contemplate and respect nature, is a testament to the importance and relevance of the artist's gaze in conveying essential messages.

The "CHU Teh-Chun Prize" exhibition : The Cube – La Grande Boissière - 4 – 20 June.

The Prize will be awarded on Tuesday 11 June – La Grande Boissière 

More inforamtions : Ecolint

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