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The second CHU Teh-Chun Prize at Ecolint

May 2023

As part of the collaboration between the CHU Teh-Chun Foundation and Ecolint, the second "CHU Teh-Chun Prize" will be awarded on Tuesday 13th June, to reward a student for his/her involvement and work in the field of visual arts. 

This Prize was created to encourage students to undertake a career in the visual arts and to express special recognition to the most talented and committed students.

A partnership in honour of CHU Teh-Chun to inspire students. 

Linked to the ULP "Mastery" programme for Art students in 11th grade, the aim of this pedagogical partnership is to raise students' awareness of the various creative processes, while drawing inspiration from CHU Teh-Chun's career.

After studying the artist's life and oeuvre in class, students will create a work using the medium of their choice (ink, painting, sculpture, digital art, video, photography, STEM, etc.) to be submitted to the competition. 

A competition committee, consisting of members of the CHU Teh-Chun Foundation, representatives of Ecolint and the invited artist, Docteur Momar Seck, will then meet to review the works and select the one that best meets its expectations.

The students' projects will be displayed in a dedicated space during the "LGB Art" exhibition in June 2023 and the winner(s) will be highlighted.

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