This prize is a continuation of the four-year partnership between the CHU Teh-Chun Foundation and Ecolint, which began in 2022 in Geneva. Momar Seck, a teacher at Ecolint at the time, decided to carry on with this prize in Dakar, where he now teaches, in order to raise students' awareness of the various creative processes while drawing inspiration from CHU Teh-Chun's unique career.
As part of this collaboration between the CHU Teh-Chun Foundation and the International School of Dakar, the first "CHU Teh-Chun Prize » will be unveiled in mid-June.
The CHU-Teh-Chun Foundation, in partnership with the Arts Department of the International School of Dakar (ISD), supports young students who wish to make a long-term commitment in an artistic career. This prize rewards the most talented students to encourage them to continue along this path.
« In the art course of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), a module is focused on the importance of visual culture, whether in traditional or contemporary art, in the shaping of one's identity and affiliation. »
« Being able to express one's cultural identity through artistic creation can be structuring and enriching for individuals or entire communities. CHU Teh-Chun is a perfect example of this for students, as his dual Chinese-French culture has enabled him to create a unique, multidimensional work that is a symbiosis of his two cultures. » explains Momar Seck
Through their exploration of CHU Teh-Chun's work, the students addressed conceptual and factual issues such as:
A Committee, comprising members of the CHU Teh-Chun Foundation and members of the art department of the International School of Dakar, worked together on the final selection to choose the prize winner.