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Documentary film « Chu Teh-Chun 朱德群 » public screening - January

January 2022

« CHU Teh-Chun 朱德群 »
Documentary Film
Directed by : Christophe Fonseca
Produced by: Les Films de L’Odyssée & Fondation CHU Teh-Chun
Country : France
Duration : 80 minutes
Year : 2020

The documentary film on the life and work of the artist - created on the occasion of the commemoration of the centenary of the artist's birth (1920-2014) - will be screened in : 

In Nice

On the occasion of the exhibition "Les paysages de l'âme", on Saturday the 22nd of January at 8 pm, at the Belmondo cinema

Detailed programme and ticketing, available here .

In Paris

As part of the " 2021 Selection " of the 15th edition of the International Art Film Days, at the Louvre Auditorium.

The International Art Film Days (JIFA) are an annual event designed to explore the unique relationship between cinema and the other arts and to address the creative process and the role of art in our societies.

This 15th edition welcomes Alain Fleischer, filmmaker, visual artist, writer and director of the "Fresnoy-Studio national des arts contemporains", and offers two focuses, a tribute, an installation, as well as a selection of recent films along with talks with their directors and an online programmation.

JIFA - 15th edition, from the 21st to the 30th of January 2022.

Louvre - Auditorium - Michel Laclotte, Thursday 27th of January, at 8pm.

Detailed programme and ticketing, available here .

In Geneva

As part of "l'Art au Cinéma", at the Bio Carouge Cinema, on Sunday the 30th of January 2022 at 10:30 am, during the "Art Geneva week".

Detailed programme and ticketing, available here .

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