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Chu Teh-Chun, Œuvres sur papier - Exhibition at the Chinese Cultural Centre, Paris

CHF 30,00

Catalogue of the works on paper exhibition at the Cultural Centre of China in France. This exhibition highlights the importance of paper in the Chinese artistic tradition and in the work of Chu Teh Chun.

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A text by Éric Lefebvre, Director of the Cernuschi Museum, describes the influence of calligraphy in the work of Chu Teh-Chun.

Author(s) : Eric Lefèbvre
Type : Hardcover book
Editor : Gourcuff Gradenigo
Published : 2015
Language : FR
EAN : 9782353402458
ISBN : 9782353402458
Pages : 79
Height (cm) : 29,5
Width (cm) : 22
Thickness (cm) : 1
 Weight (g) : 200