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«  CHU Teh-Chun » prize

February 2023

Over the past two years, Fondation CHU Teh-Chun has been committed to supporting the students of the International School of Geneva - ECOLINT - in their artistic development.

As part of this partnership, the Foundation and the Ecolint will award the second "CHU Teh-Chun" prize in June 2023.  

Its purpose is to support arts teaching in the education of young people. 

It will be awarded to a student in 11th grade, at the conclusion of a contest, to encourage her/his artistic practice and to reward her/his involvement and work in the field of visual arts.

This synergy between Fondation CHU Teh-Chun and Ecolint has resulted in a four-year partnership aiming to inspire students while paying tribute to the artist. Further educational and inspirational projects are planned for 2023 - 2024.

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