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CHU Teh-Chun, Connaissance des arts

CHF 20,00

Special issue published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Monticelli Foundation in Marseille on the topic of the sea.

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The artist arrived in Marseille in 1955 after a long boat journey. This special issue portrays the artist and his sources of inspiration through the writings of several art critics.

Author(s) : Connaissance des Arts, Danielle Molinari, Jeanne Fouchet-Nahas, Guillaume Morel, Damien Sausset.
Type : Magazine
Editor : SFPA | Publisher: Groupe Les Echos
Published : 2015
Language: JA-TC
EAN : 9782758005049
Pages : 35
Height (cm) : 28,5
Width (cm) : 21,5
Thickness (cm) : 0,5
Weight (g) : 250

